Baby Timothy John is born!

While I wait for my new computer to get built (And I finally get all the games installed), I went thru the archives and made this video on the fly. Enjoy! (By the way...Maybe it's just me, but I think that there is something kinda creepy about watching my older brother get born!)

It's all about the M O N E Y!!!

So, I've made plans, I made the announcements, and now, I find that I have to put off my plans to move forward in my evolution as a Simmer and save up for some memory BEFORE I install all of the Sims 2 add ons, and thus, start my plans that I had announced earlier of making my first recolor. Now, I still plan on making my recolor and the subsequent other parts to this project, The "I Made a SIM of Myself Over John Foster Dulles" Project", but I realized as I'm re-installing all of the add ons and Eps a few days ago, "Hey, I'm going to need more memory once I get past the "Fun With Pets" collection Ep, because the last time that I had that EP on this computer, it almost crashed!" So folks...bear with me...I will be forging ahead with those plans to install all of the EPs, I just won't be doing that creating mesh thing just right now. I will however, taking Mitchell and Michael "off of life support" and they should be back in the new Covert Covet by this evening, and I will pick up their story at whatever point I left them at when I removed the game off the old hard drive, and hopefully, I'll have enough footage shot that I can make some new videos!

And now, for my next trick!

As I stated in my post of October 16th, I am about to embark on my first recolor project. It will be the first time that I will have ever made ANY object for sims, so this will be a totally new experience for me. About he closest to "design" that I've done is changing hair or skin tones or types in the CAS screen, but never any true original design. This is actually just one part of a much larger project, which for now is for now being called The "I Made a SIM of Myself Over John Foster Dulles" Project. (If you know your broadcast television history, you will be able to guess of whom I am going to make a celebrity sim of.) I won't say just what look he or she will have, but his or her costume is rather involved, and will take many parts, the first of which will be a recolor of part of the costume, the second will be of the sim himself or herself, the third will be a very important accessory, and there will be a fourth and final accessory.

Now, that's all the hints that I'm giving out...can you guess who it is going to be, readers? Only Lab Cat, Hunter, Sugah, SIMply Edward, and Andrewplay and if memory serves me correctly, AdriannaSimmie know who I am referring to. No fair tracking them down and trying to get them to divulge the identity of the mystery celebrity...all will be revealed in good time...

Zaby-Licious Music for my sims!

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones
Sim 3 background created by TummyZa. Download him at:

So...I haven't been on apologies!

So, there's been a couple of turn of events for this sim dad: First, I haven't played the game for several weeks, but will resume playing hopefully soon. The main reason that I haven't played is because I don't have all my expansions installed, and the reason that I don't have all of my expansions installed is because I don't have enough room on my tiny 80 G hard drive. I have looked into possibly buying a used 300 G hard drive (I actually want a terabyte, but I don't think that this old GatewayE-6100 XP machine can handle that much!) Another development is that I've transfered to a different branch of my company, which allows me to earn more money, so eventually, that means a new car and hopefully, a new computer as well---or at least a really bitchin' update to this clunker!

The last development is a bit of a sad one: Edward and Andrew have decided that they no longer have the time to devote to Simply Edward's and The Playhouse, so they shut it down last week. So yes, that means that I'm now out of a "job", and I am actually thinking of starting my own forum.

...Or, I might just join them over at Colour Sims where I'm already a member, and just hang out there. I'm also going to hang out at DL Mulsow's forum a lot more, so you can find me there and(
...over at (Where I met Edward, by the way)

So, readers...what do you think? Should I be content with the 3,000 other sim forums that I already belong to, or should I get a taste of life in the fast lane and start my own sim forum? I can't even create at this point, and I'm crazy for even thinking of starting this forum, but part of my reason to do this in the first place is that I want to re-unite the old gang from SE as well as have a crack at being the administrator of a forum. We had some great times at Simply Edward's and they were over too soon, and dog gone it, I want to get those good times back! I miss the old gang, ya know? I'm already a moderator at two other much more work can it be? Okay, faithful readers...either talk me into it or talk me out of it!

Mitchell and Michael Vogue video

Come swim with Mitchell's evil twin, if you dare!

Ron Paul Store

Design a personalized gift at Zazzle.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Hey everyone!  I just bought a new CompaqCQ5700F a week ago, and am in the process of moving all my SIMS2 files from the old computer to the new computer, and will be installing SIMS2 sometime over the weekend, woot!

I have also decided to "re-boot" Mitchell and Michael's story line and possibly hook then up with a whole new set of friends, but don't dispair over Judy and Dorothy---They will be re-written into the story somehow, I'm just not sure how.  Of course, this means that when Mitchell and Michael do get married eventually, they might be married to different sims entirely.  One tradition that will carry over from the old storyline is that I will name thier children after my siblings, Terry, Tom, Tim, Marley (Pat) and Marty, and might even reach back a few generations to the Maruskas and the Dargans as well as the Spielmans on Mom's side of the family, but also the Horstmans on Dad's side of the family.

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