Mitchell dropped me a post card recently. (Wow---I didn't know that Sims could do that, LOL!) It says:
"Dear Sim Dad and fans,
My bro Michael and I are having a fun time here on our extended vacation from Covert Cove. We're not sure when we'll get back, but we just want you all to know that we're okay and getting plenty of rest and having some great quality time with our wives and kiddies.
Whoa...did I just say "Kiddies"? Oops! I guess time has flown by so quickly...I forget sometimes that Theresa Mary will be leaving for college in another year, and Michael's boy, Thomas is just a year behind his cousin in age, so I guess that we can't really call them "kiddies" anymore, LOL! But Timothy John is in kindergarten now, and growing like a weed. Theresa Mary keeps threatening us with eloping with some boy that we've never met, and personaly...I think that's just a ruse to get our attention. The truth is, she's got a new boyfriend every weekend!
(Michael adds his own note)
Well, hi ho everyone! Yes, Mitchell and I are having a great time with our wives here on vacation while we wait for the upgrades to Covert Cove to be completed. We're not really in a rush to get back, to tell you the truth! Judy and I have been getting especially close since the birth of our second child, Timothy John, and I've been asked to join the board of directors at Covert Mercy Hospital. I'm so excited! This does mean however, that with this change plus with both Mitchell's and my kids getting older, that it is time that we split up households. We'll still be close, in fact, Judy and I are only going next door, so we'll be close! After all...with both of our kids getting ready for college and possibly mariage in a few years (And with that---our first grandchildren, YIKES!), it just isn't practical to share space anymore. The two familes inder one roof thing was great when our kids were babies and children, but with the exception of Timothy John, they're almost adults. It will be a sad transition since Mitch and I have lived together first as kids in our parent's house, and then as swinging batchelors, and then as newlyweds and as young marrieds, so we've never been apart before. Mitch and I have shared EVERYTHING since birth except girlfirends, and of course, wives, so it will be odd waking up with just my own family under one one roof. Being the emotional one, I know that I'll probably have a harder time adjusting to spliting up. Mitch is the tough, athletic jock, so I know that he'll adjust better than I will!
Sniff..I miss him already!
(Mitchell adds a few more words)
Well, Mikey spilled the beans, (and from the smell around here, probably ate some too, LOL!) and yes, the dynamic duo of Mitchell and Michael are spliting up...SOMEWHAT...It won't be the dramatic split that Mikey describes, but hey, it will be wierd not having to listen to his constant humming like I've had to listen to for the last 35 years!
(Wow..are we that old already? Wow, time does fly, as they say!)
Anyway, since we will be sharing a fence, it won't be like we're miles away, and as for storyline, it will only get better, I promise! Well, we'll be back soon, fans. Thanks for droping by the blog and checking in on us. We love you and we would not be anything without you, our fans!

Love and kisses,
Thomas Edwin
Theresa Mary
Timothy John
P.s. ---Mitch, I do NOT hum!, yes, you do, and it drives me nuts...always has!
Psss. Mitch---Oh really? 35 years with you and you are just now bringing this up?
Pssss. Mikey...we need to talk!
Psssss. Mitch...damned straight we do, but later, okay? "