Mitchell and Michael are not the only set of Meyer twins in Covert Cove...Meet their uncles, Anthony and Aloysius!
Now, where did I come up with names like that? Well, Anthony is my middle name, and Aloysius is an uncle of mine that died in infancy, about 1918. I'm guessing at the year, as Mom rarely spoke about him. Somewhere in the family history, compiled by my second cousin, Paul Maruska, lie all the facts. I'll update them as I dig into the archives.
Here is Uncle Anthony:
(Looks a lot like me, but alas...SEVERAL pounds lighter---No comments from the peanut gallery!
And Uncle Aloysius:
This is what I would look like if I had a goatee. I saw a recent picture of me with a moustache, and after seeing all that grey,I have sworn off facial hair for the rest of my life!!